I have been posting a lot of photo heavy threads on LE lately and I feel bad for people with dial up connections. I also tend to get quite wordy when I write so people will open a post I have started and be faced with a mountain of rambling text to read. If they manage to get through it without their eyes glazing over and their system shutting down from boredom, they are usually left with two burning questions. WHY??? Why on earth did he write that? Why on earth did I waste my life reading that? And..WHAT in the world was he trying to say? That Otter makes no sense whatsoever.
As a kindness to the poor people who get overwhelmed by my verbose nature when writing, I present this blog, Otter's Odd N' Ends. Here you will find an eclectic collection of writings, photographs, recipes, old wife's tales, (in no way do I mean to insult old wifes), creative exercises, possibly a bead tutorial or two and any other random act of expression that strikes me. I will post a link on LE with a brief description if possible as I update my blog. That way people can read the description and decide if they are brave enough to click on the link or not. Maybe people will be kind and leave feedback, maybe people will be kind and not tell me what they really think. Maybe people will just check out my blog and enjoy what I want to share. I am curious to see how this works out.
So, this has been my first entry. I will add a random photograph of my fishing buddy here just to see how this thing works.

I hope you have enjoyed this post.
Love it Otter!
I sure wish I was there fishing with you.
Great Blog
Hi Otter!
What a great picture. I missed your long posts at LE but I'm sure I would have enjoyed them!
I'm glad to see your pics ANYWHERE. I just started a blog too..but mine won't be as exciting as yours :)
It's weird not seeing the bathroom background around your words. I suppose at least this way the words and pics will hang around a lot longer. I love you man... in a non-gay way of course. ;)
Way to go, Otter! Your rambling is a joy to read, and your pictures are so expressive, too.
Otter Man -
You really don't have a clue about your gift for writing, do you. You have the talent to touch lives and please don't stop. Just think! We will all be able to say important things like "I TOLD YA SO" in the future.
Write On.
Looking forward to your posts and pics.
and the rest of my comment was....
I am glad your writing and sharing your beautiful art with the rest of us. Your photography skills, your love for nature, and your use of the English Language captures my soul. If you choose to do it in the bathroom,(on LE) on your website, a blog, it doesn't matter to me, I shall be there waiting with baited breath to see what is next.
Love You my dear friend
What a great talent you have for bringing us right with you whereever you go. Thanks for sharing. I will miss your long posts on le but know I know where to look. :)
I am excited to see where this blog goes. I don't go to many blogs, but I know I'll come to yours.
Maybe the reason you are a bit shy in person is because it's all in there wanting to come out in prose. You write beautifully and I can't wait to see more of your pics.
Hey Otter,
I'm going to miss you in the bathroom! I think you already know what a wonderful person I think you are and I'm so grateful that you share you life, prose, work and photography with us.
I can't wait to get together and torch
Love ya!
Hi Otter! I'm looking forward to your verbosity!
And pictures, too. Helps in my yearning for the Oregon coast!
I'm glad you are going to permanently stash your pictures, prose and musings some where so it won't get flushed every night. I've enjoyed reading your postings on LE, you're so talented with words.
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